Release Date: 4 August 2006
- For Windows 2000, XP, 2003, Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (version 3.5)
- Texpress 8.1.001 or later
- TexAPI 3.1.010 or later
Updates / New Features
- Record Level Security: Set permissions that control who can view, edit or delete a record on a per user or group basis. Each module now contains a Securitytab for specifying per record permissions:
The Set Record Securitytool facilitates batch updating of record permissions:
The daSecurity operational privilege is required in order to modify record security. - Page View: Display record details using any XSLT based report. The report may include images and hyperlinks:
- Resourcestool: Search the Internet using details in the current record:
How do I register "Resources"? for a complete description of the tool.
- Online Help: A Windows-based CHM file replaces the HTML help. This help displays in a separate window, is indexed and searchable and includes animations and flow charts where complex concepts are introduced.
- Field Level Help: Display help for a field. It is possible to update this help on the fly:
Customising the field description Help for more details.
- Index level support has been added for empty (!*) and not empty (*) searches. Support for leading letter wildcard searches is also available (e.g. ab*, aac?). Indexing can be set on a per institution basis via the Vitalware Registry. See
What are the indexing options in KE Vitalware 2.0 for details.
- Copy and paste in List View: Records selected in List View can be copied to the Windows clipboard and pasted into other applications (e.g. MS Word, MS Excel). The copy operation creates BIFF4 (Excel), HTML, Text and CSV representations of the selected records:
- Search feedback: The Searching box that displays when a search is running indicates the number of records retrieved at a regular interval. The Abortbutton now functions correctly. If a search is terminated, records retrieved to that point are displayed:
- Search Time Limit: Administrators and users can set a search time limit. Once reached a user may continue to search or choose to view the records retrieved so far:
How can I timeout searches? for more details.
- Reports support: Support for Crystal 10, Crystal XI and XSLT based reports has been added.
- Menu labels: The menu captions have been overhauled to provide more meaningful wording.
- The standard Vitalware logging file (etc/logging) can be overridden by a client specific version. The client version should be located at local/etc/logging. Note that it replaces the standard file.
- Specify additional search terms for attachment queries: A new Registry entry allows search terms to be added when an attachment button is pressed. The format of the entry is:
User|user|Table|table|Column Attach|column|term;...
User|user|Table|Default|Column Attach|column|term;...
Group|group|Table|table|Column Attach|column|term;...
Group|group|Table|Default|Column Attach|column|term;...
Group|Default|Table|table|Column Attach|column|term;...
Group|Default|Table|Default|Column Attach|column|term;...
where: column is the name of the column in the current module (this can be determined using Field Level Help)
term is in the format column=value, where column is the name of a column in the attached module and value is the search value to use For example: Group|Default|Table|eaccessionlots|AcqSource_tab|NamPartyType=Person specifies that when attaching a Party record to the Accession Lots Source field, only Party records of type Person would be shown. The search values are also loaded if the Attachment button is clicked without any search terms entered. With this Registry entry it is possible to restrict the set of records retrieved when an attachment is made.
- Ditto Tab: A tab can be dittoed (that is, copied from the previous edit/insertion) using the Edit>Ditto> Current Tab command.
- Maintenance: A new menu function has been added to the registration tables to undo a maintenance that was incorrectly applied.
- Double Keying: The order in which double key fields are keyed can now be specified.
- Find a Field: The Find a Field facility has been modified to provide more accurate labels and to display the name of the tab on which the field exists:
- Global Replace: A new option has been added that allows blank rows to be removed from multi-value fields (tables). Using this option it is now possible to delete values from fields and remove blank rows in one operation.
- Admin Tasks: A number of extensions have been added to Admin Tasks. These include:
- support for attachment fields as an input type
- setting of default values for all input types
- ability to set the width and height of input controls
What are Admin Tasks?
- Default User Security: The EMu security generator command, emusecurity, now supports the default user Registry entry. The format of the Registry entry is: User|Default|Group|group which places any user not explicitly registered to use KE EMu in group group.
- Help System: An Admin section has been added to the Vitalware Help file. The section details functionality typically required by system administrators and data managers.
Issues Resolved
Issue | Resolution | |
When retrieving a large number of records, a delay may occur when scrolling to the last record. |
No delay |
When adding a number of months to a notify date (e.g. two months to 30 December 2005) an incorrect date may be generated (e.g. 30 February 2006). The incorrect date would be removed from the notify field leaving it empty. |
Correct notify date generates |
When using CTRL+TAB to move between module windows and cached modules is enabled, the command may not move to the next module. |
The next module is activated |
For countries that use a date format of MDY (month/day/year), the long date format dd MMM yyyy (e.g. 12 Feb 2006) does not print correctly (the month and day are incorrect). |
Date prints correctly |
If Vitalware is configured to generate multimedia resolutions automatically, and an image is attached with exactly the same dimensions as the resolution to be generated, an access violation may occur. |
Access violation no longer occurs |
When re-ordering multimedia thumbnails for a record, where there is more than one window of thumbnails, blank areas may appear between existing thumbnails. |
Blank areas no longer show |
The Also Search facility does not work correctly where there is a mixture of fields within a module and fields referenced in other modules. |
Searching works correctly |
Attaching a text based document to a Multimedia record while in Thumbnail View may result in an error indicating that the thumbnail cannot be displayed. |
Correct thumbnail image displays |
If records are selected in List View and a report or sort is run on them, some records may remain selected when a new search is performed. |
Selection is cleared when a new search is performed |
If the Set As Defaults... command is selected before moving out of a changed field, the change is not added to the defaults. |
The change is added correctly |
When renaming the irn column in a report, the rename does not appear in the data generated. |
The new name displays |
If a lookup list field contains text with a trailing backslash (\), an error is generated when the record is saved. |
Error no longer occurs |
When a static group is retrieved, the order has changed from the order in which they were saved. |
Static groups are retrieved in the order they were saved |
If Shortcuts are enabled and a module window is resized, the next time the module is opened the window size may not be correct. |
Correct size displays |
It was possible to change a pending payment status when the record was still pending payment. |
Status remains as Pending Payment |
It was possible to manually alter that status of an order to or from Cancelled. |
Status remains as Cancelled |
When adding a maintenance, if the system failed to update the registration record an unlinked pending maintenance could be left. |
Pending Maintenance record is Cancelled |
When adding a free product the formatted event date value was not populated on the next row. |
The event date is populated on the free product row |
When cancelling an insertion that had a product which includes a free product, the free product was added but not cancelled. |
Free product is Cancelled |
When creating a new report that allows a report file to be attached (Crystal, XSLT, etc.) the Save button may not be enabled. |
The Save button is now enabled. |
Combo boxes that change state (that is, they are read-only) may not be shown the first time a tab is displayed. |
The combo boxes are now displayed correctly. |
When using the Ditto Tab command on the Registry tab in the Registry module an exception message may be generated. |
The ditto tab command now functions correctly. |
Aborting a pattern based query on the IRN field takes some time to complete. |
The abort operation now completes immediately. |
If Thumbnails are displayed and Shortcuts are enabled and the IRN field is double-clicked, the IRN data is displayed in the thumbnail area. |
The IRN field can no longer be shown in Thumbnail mode. |
When right clicking a LinkGrid control an "Invalid stream" message may be displayed. |
The message no longer appears. |
Clicking in a LinkGrid cell and then right clicking may result in two popup menus being displayed, one after the other. |
Only one menu is shown. |
If a Global Replace is performed on a set of selected records, the percentage complete may not be accurate. |
The correct percentage is now displayed. |
Under some circumstances it may be necessary to select the Refresh command twice to get the latest version of a record. |
The record is now refreshed on the first invocation. |
Under some circumstances the Find a Field command may show the first tab rather the correct tab. |
The correct tab is now shown. |
When matching terms are displayed in red text, the whole term may not be highlighted for large text areas. |
The matching terms are now highlighted correctly. |
The menu terms used for the Shortcuts facility are not consistent with those used for both List and Page modes. |
The menu terms are now consistent. |
When viewing selected records in Details mode the record may not be highlighted correctly. |
The correct highlighting is now used. |
The Edit Search statement dialogue box only holds the first 64K of the query statement. For very large queries the statement may be truncated. |
The statement size limit has been increased to 1 Mb. |
When a Combo box that contains a sub string of an existing value is dropped down, the existing value is selected correctly but the user is not placed in Edit mode. |
You are now placed in Edit mode. |
Other Updates
The Vitalware installation package has been updated to support silent installations (installations that do not require human intervention). Please contact KE Vitalware support personnel for details.
In order to avoid overwriting the vwcrontab entry, vwbldinstall does not install a crontab entry if one already exists.
Other Client Specific Updates
Updates (MS)
- Altered double keying so that where a conflict occurs the chosen value would be accepted an a second keying of that value would not be required.
- Some popup windows have been added for EBC to check that rare values entered are correct.
Issues Resolved (MS)
- Sometimes the test for empty fields to disallow printing in the EBC module failed to indicate that the fields were empty.
- OnExit test for birth weight had the unknown values for lbs and grams transposed.
Updates (QLD)
- Counter orders for new certificates may now be set to batched.
Issues Resolved (QLD)
- When adding additional products after a court payment was applied in insert mode the new products were not discounted.
Updates (MB)
Issues Resolved (MB)
- It was possible to issue products from a pending payment record.
- If a change of name product was not the first order when a change of name was ordered, the change of name certificate would not print.
- Unique column errors could be shown when trying to alter the registration numbers in the registration and parties modules.
Updates (TT)
- Added additional field to record who presented the identification used for eligibility of receiving the output from a transaction.
Issues Resolved (TT)
- Delivery Date field appeared to not save data that was entered into it.
Upgrade Notes
Due to the change from KE Texpress 8.0 to KE Texpress 8.1 the upgrade process from KE Vitalware 1.4 to KE Vitalware 2.0 requires a number of steps to be performed. In order to streamline this process a separate set of notes has been produced describing the complete upgrade process. Please use these notes when upgrading rather than the standard upgrade procedure:
- Upgrade of Vitalware 1.4 to Vitalware 2.0 (UNIX)
- Upgrade of Vitalware 1.4 to Vitalware 2.0 (Windows 2000/XP/2003)
Changes made to the KE Vitalware 2.0 release (upgrade of Crystal viewer to version10/11) require that the KE Vitalware client is installed on all client machines.