To introduce attendees to the Texhtml World Wide Web gateway interface for Texpress databases. This module enables users to publish their databases on the Internet or on an Intranet within their own organisations.
This course is a two-day workshop. Each attendee has exclusive access to a PC or to a Unix host on which Texpress is installed. The PCs and Unix host operate as an Intranet, while the entire network also has a gateway to the Internet. Attendees develop and test a range of query interfaces on their own databases and run Netscape (or similar browser) interactively to test their designs.
This course assumes that attendees have completed the Texql training course. Familiarity with Unix and a Unix editor is essential and the capability to develop simple shell scripts is desirable.
Course Outline: Day One
- Overview of Web Servers
- Overview of HTTPD Servers
- Creating Web Pages
- Writing HTML
- Structure of Documents on a Web Server
- Hypertext Links Between Documents
- Statelessness
- The Stateless Operation of the Web
- Introduction to KE Texhtml
- Overview of KE Texhtml
- General Operation of KE Texhtml CGI Scripts
- "Visit" to KE Texhtml Sites
Course Outline: Day Two
- Query Forms
- Designing Query Forms in HTML
- Installing and Testing your Query Form
- Query Execution and Results
- Creating Texql scripts
- Setting up Document Templates
- Defining headers, bodies and footers
- Handling No Matches
- Embedding Images in Derived Documents
- Post-processing Query Results
- Creating and Installing Output Filters
- Maintaining State Information
- Embedding Anchors which hold State Information
- Using Anchors to Launch Related Queries
- Data Capture over the Web
- Using KE Texhtml to Insert, Update and Delete Data
- Secure Access
- Password Protecting your Web Databases
For further information and bookings, email: