Faq generalMore than two decades of successful implementation and operation guarantee that Vitalware not only meets and anticipates its users’ needs, but that it can be implemented and fully operational with minimal customisation. We recognise that each Registry has legislative and business requirements specific to its jurisdiction and therefore that some degree of tailoring will always be required. To that end Vitalware has been designed as a flexible, modular and easily configurable solution.

Features which can be configured at any time include:

  • Definitions of users and groups
  • Security permissions and privileges for users and groups
  • Field level permissions
  • Operational privileges
  • The display and order of tabs
  • Default values
  • Mandatory values
  • Field label for image contact sheet
  • Thesaurus and vocabulary control privileges
  • Adding and modifying reports
  • Uniqueness of fields

We provide an initial configuration of these values as part of implementation, based on the client's instructions.